The weather here in Chicago has been rather pleasant these past few days. Cool, crisp mornings followed by sun warmed afternoons. We even had some rain. Hard to believe we are all on the same continent given the extreme droughts and drowning floods. Lake Michigan was extremely turbulent a few days ago washing over bike lanes and walkways, but nothing too threatening or destructive.
I've been busy trying to capture as much social time as possible before the weather drives us all indoors or COVID hits too hard or both. Every few days I host a few friends or family on my front porch, which is small but cozy.
When you live in an urban area like Chicago, space is at a premium so you make the most of what you have.
I have made a point to do a little crafting because Halloween after all is one of my favorite holidays to craft for. I love to make a few simple cards and some paper crafts. I also like to scrap the grand kiddos after they costume up.
Here are some of the things I managed to finish, though I have tons of ideas left.