Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Halloween Haunted Paper House

 As I've mentioned before my two favorite and maybe only holidays that I like to craft for are Halloween and Christmas.  I always plan to make things for them through out the summer, but I never seem to be successful.  The hot, muggy summer days don't inspire me enough to be making cool weather items.  I'm working on it though.  Maybe I'll make that my 2021 New Year's resolution.

In any case, here's a set of simple houses I put together to add to my simple Halloween decor.  I don't decorate as much as I use to, but I still put a few things out for the grand kids.  

The houses were die cut on my Silhouette using a Lori Whitlock file and pieces from other files as well.

I'm late posting this , but between the virus and work, I didn't have much time to do the crafting I had planned to.

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