Monday, March 9, 2020

Frosty Paper Houses

Here in Chicago, the temperature for the past few days has been in the upper 40s to lower 50s.  Seems we've had a very mild winter with little snow though our lake is at its highest level in decades.  Our beaches have pretty much eroded away.

This past weekend I thought I would try to capture the last of winter with some cute paper winter houses.  For once I got a jump on my Christmas crafting and started really early.

Don't know if you remembered that I have quite a few tree cookies or branch slices as some people call them  that were trimmed as part of our Park Districts standard maintenance.  They are taking up quite a bit of space and if only knew how little space I have, you'd understand why I need to use them up pretty quickly.

My house is a standard "working man's cottage" that was built in1889.  In terms of size, let me just say that I am trendy and part of the tiny house movement without any effort on my part.

Getting back to the cookies and paper houses, I cut a simple house from white cardstock added color with the roof, window trims, and door.  I  embellished with a snow-covered pine tree and a few other wintery items.  I  glued the items to a snow-covered cookie and dusted the scene with glitter for a
little more sparkle.

I have a few more cookies so will be making more houses.

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